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Mike Moran - Sarasota County Tax Collector

Concealed Weapon

Due to equipment restrictions, applications and fingerprints are only processed at our Mid-County Office in Sarasota, and an appointment is required.

To save time and money, you may apply for your new license or renew your existing license directly with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service (FDACS). For instructions, see FDACS’ concealed weapon license application page or concealed weapon license renewal page.

Fees*: For a schedule of fees, click here. *Applications processed in our office will have $22.00 added to the fee for an "Initial License" and $12.00 added to the fee for a "Renewal License."

Original (First-Time or Initial) Applicants
The FDACS reviews all original Florida concealed weapon license applications and licenses will be mailed from the state office.

  1. Determine if you are eligible for a concealed weapon license by reading the eligibility requirements or answering a few questions.
  2. Demonstrate your competency with a firearm in order to qualify for the license. Click here to learn more about the acceptable forms of training and the proof of training documentation required.
  3. Read the application instructions to learn the requirements when you complete and submit your application.
  4. Bring all required documents to your appointment.
    • A state-issued photo ID that includes your full name and date of birth (driver's license or state-issued identification card).
    • A copy of a training document or other certificate that confirms you are proficient with a firearm.

Non-US citizens are not eligible for a concealed weapon license with the exception of a Permanent Resident with a valid I-551 (Green Card).

  1. Make a required appointment. Please note that appointments are required and walk-ins will not be accepted.
  2. Once processed, you may check the status of your application online or by calling 850.245.5691, option 1.

Once the FDACS has received your electronic application, processing will take about 90 days and you will be notified of the outcome. Processing may take longer than 90 days if additional information regarding criminal records must be obtained.

Renewals Applicants
Your Florida concealed weapon license is valid for seven years. The expiration date appears on the front of your license. Approximately 95 days prior to expiration, FDACS will send you a renewal form with complete instructions on how to process your renewal.

If for some reason you fail to renew your license by the expiration date, there will be a late penalty of $15.00. A renewal, with the late penalty, may only be processed within six months of the expiration date. A concealed weapon license that has been expired longer than six months cannot be renewed and a new application is required.

To renew in our office:

  1. YOU MUST HAVE your concealed weapon license number or renewal notice.
  2. A state-issued photo ID that includes your full name and date of birth (driver's license or state-issued identification card).
  3. Legal name change document, if applicable, such as marriage certificate, court record, etc. Our office can process the name change but we will not be able to print your new license; FDACS will mail the license to you.
  4. Make a required appointment. Please note that appointments are required and walk-ins will not be accepted. A renewal with no changes is printed same-day in our office.

Lost, Stolen or Destroyed License: You must contact FDACS or visit a regional office. The replacement fee is $15.00.

Review Section 790.06, Florida Statutes to learn about the law pertaining to Florida’s concealed weapon license program.